Hey Gang!
October 11th's Reading Clubs are proof of this program's
community support and of the generosity of our stellar
We had a total of 231 volunteers on Saturday!
That's our second highest number ever! Despite field
trips at two schools, we still were able to read to
544 kids and see them all walk away with
prize books for their home libraries.
And, helping out at the reading clubs this month
was a total of 21 teachers and administrators.
Special thanks to them for their continuing support!
Congratulations on all your efforts to support this
wonderful program -- we're going strong!
A big THANK YOU to all our volunteers, many of whom were
Click here
to see the list of volunteers.

What does $10 mean to you?
An expensive movie? A cheap CD? 10 Big Macs?
What does $10 mean to Reading to Kids?
Books for a classroom of 8 kids who have attended our reading clubs.
Folks, we're in the thick of our Annual Fund Drive,
and your support of Reading to Kids has never been more important!
While we're of course seeking generous donations, the most important
thing is increasing the number of people who are donating
to Reading to Kids:
1999: 29 donors
2000: 52 donors
2001: 91 donors
2002: 147 donors
2003: 49 donors (to date)
A large number of donors obviously means more money
into the program, but it also indicates broad support
that is favorably viewed by potential funders.
Your donation, whatever the size, MATTERS!
Donating is easy. Simply make your check out to
Reading to Kids and mail it to our office:
Reading to Kids
1600 Sawtelle Boulevard, Suite 210
Los Angeles, CA 90025
If you prefer to donate by credit card,
you may do so at
Please note that we prefer checks because our credit card
processing company deducts a 3% fee from your donations.
If you have any questions regarding the Annual Fund Drive,
please feel free to contact Maryanna Abdo at the
Reading to Kids office at (310) 479-7455 or by
e-mail at

In only a few short weeks, we'll be hosting the November 8 Reading Clubs --
and that means THANKSGIVING stories! Please submit your RSVP as early as
possible by clicking here.

Not only is November our Thanksgiving Reading Club,
it also marks our first annual Reading to Kids
College Spirit Day!
If you're waiting for the "Big Game" or just want to honor your alma mater,
don that old cap and sweatshirt, and come show the kids your school spirit!

Reading to Kids is having a T-shirt design competition
open to all volunteers and students. Please submit your entries
to the Reading to Kids office, by mail, fax, or e-mail, or
bring them to the next Reading Clubs!
Be sure to include our
web address, "www.readingtokids.org," in your designs.
The deadline is Saturday, November 8.
We're collecting your artistic submissions and will have an online vote
for the most popular design in late November. The shirts should be available
at the December Reading Clubs, and the winning designer will win a FREE T-SHIRT!
So, pull out those old crayons and get busy!
Thanks for your patience with this long e-mail, and please join us next month!
Maryanna Abdo
Program Director
Reading to Kids
1600 Sawtelle Blvd, Suite 210
Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 479-7455
(310) 479-7435 (FAX)