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Reading to Kids News
July 15, 2000
Volunteers and Teachers Give Thanks to Gratts Principal at July Reading Club!!!
Reading to Kids' July 8 reading club at Gratts Elementary School
involved mixed emotions for all the volunteers and teachers involved
as it marked the final reading club in which Raul Fernandez will serve
as Principal of Gratts. Due to his outstanding leadership at Gratts and
his tremendous support of children, Mr. Fernandez has been promoted to
a management position in the Los Angeles Unified School District.
While Raul's leadership as Principal at Gratts will be sorely missed,
his new position will allow him to help even more of the children of
Los Angeles. Importantly for Reading to Kids, Mr. Fernandez has agreed
to continue to provide his support in directing volunteer and parent
training classes. He has even agreed to add new jokes to his training sessions!
The July reading club at Gratts was much enjoyed by all involved,
as sixty eight volunteers along with numerous teachers and administrators
read stories to the children of Gratts involving the monthly theme of
"growing up." Children in the stories involved learned such valuable lessons
as the need to help ones parents and the need to surrender some childhood
possessions. The end of the day was marked by the children of Gratts sharing
their much inspired arts and crafts projects. The finale was a huge round of
applause giving thanks to Raul Fernandez for all of his tremendous work
supporting Reading to Kids!!!