Friends and Supporters |

Last updated Wednesday, June 26, 2002
Reading to Kids thanks the members of doingsomething who
volunteer at our reading clubs.
"doingsomething, inc. is a nonprofit organization committed to
enhancing the well-being of the community by facilitating the
participation of its volunteers in rewarding community and
charitable projects. doingsomething offers the opportunity
to volunteer to individuals who would not normally be able
to do so due to busy schedules or other commitments. What
makes doingsomething unique is that you don't have to commit
to an on-going weekly schedule with just one charity. Rather,
you can now choose from a variety of weekend events, usually
2-4 hours long, happening each month in and around Los Angeles.
Whether taking disadvantaged kids to a sporting event, serving
refreshments at a senior center dance, selling tickets at a
celebrity fundraiser for AIDS research, or planting a pine
seedling in the forest, doingsomething gives you and others
like you a unique opportunity to spend a couple hours each
month helping those less fortunate."