Reading Clubs |
The Day Jimmy's Boa Ate the Wash

Last updated Wednesday, July 7, 2004
Author: Trinka Hakes Noble
Illustrator Steven Kellogg
Date of Publication: 1980
ISBN: 0803717237
Grade Level: 4th
Date(s) Used: July 2004
Synopsis: When Jimmy's unusual pet accompanies him
on his class trip, an ordinary jaunt to a farm turns into a hilarious, slapstick romp.
Discussion topics for before reading:
- Have you ever been on a class trip before? Was it
fun, or boring? Why?
- Do you ever day dream, or make up stories about
things that happen? Example?
Discussion topics for after reading:
- Was the story real, or made up? Why do you think
the girl made up the story?
- What would you have done if you had been on the
field trip?
Craft ideas:
- Write a letter from the boa to Jimmy telling him
about life on the farm after they left, and
- Make up a story about a trip to the zoo, grocery
store, etc., with an animal, and illustrate.
- Cut out a paper pet, and tell the rest of the
group about the trouble it can cause.
Special challenge:
- Sit in a circle, and create an oral story with the
children, with each person adding a bit to the story.
Have one volunteer start with the beginning of the
story, a few sentences, and a cliffhanger to go to the
next person: "We went on a class field trip to the
zoo. It was fine until the elephant ate Suzie’s lunch.
At that moment, there was a scream, and I saw..." You
may want to make a list of things people see at the
zoo first.
*Note: These craft ideas are just suggestions.
You can use them, but you don’t have to use them.
You can expand upon them, or add your own twist.
Remember, though, that the focus of your time should
not be on the development and execution of a craft;
the focus should be on the read-aloud and the
enjoyment of the book!